JC Lee - Web designer & developer
Get in touchFor static websites, all the pages are pre-built and optimized so loading and navigating between pages is lightning fast which leads to better user experience and SEO.
For websites that have a backend, I'm using Jamstack which makes fast, highly performant, low maintenance and scalable websites. The backend lives in the cloud. The frontend pages are build and save on CDN - which is like a network of servers around the world that serves the requested pages at record speed.
Responsive design is making sure our website looks great on all devices. I design the mobile, tablet and desktop version with the Figma design tool.
Then I build it with pixel level accuracy using TailwindCSS. If you are on a desktop, you can try resizing this window and see the page adapt to the change in screen size.
A great UX is one that doesn’t make the user pause and guess. No text should look like links, no awkward buttons or puzzling forms. And no convoluted structure where the user has to push the right combinaison of buttons to get to the final boss.
I design and build with the users' experience in mind. One of my top priority is making sure they get a fulfilling experience.
The UI is the tour guide for your content. How you show it is as important as what you are showing.
A voice-actor for kids’ website should be more colorful and fun than an accountant’s one.
After studying your business, I design the overall theme. And select the colors, typography, imagery and content that best reflect your brand.
Now that your users have a deeper understanding about your product/service, we need to guide them into action. A website without a purpose is a useless one. In marketing terms, it's called a "Call To Action" or CTA.
The CTA can be a sign up form for your newsletter, selling a product/service, asking for donation, a contact form, or simply linking to your other social accounts. And everything else in the website should lead to it so that by the time the user reach this CTA button or form they feel compelled to take that extra step.
The websites I built follow all the SEO best practices (accessible content, correct markup hierarchy, optimized images, etc). They have the potential to rank high on Google Search.
For advanced SEO, you can refer with a SEO expert. Beware of tricks like keywords monitoring and link building strategies. These practices work but are costly and fake just like buying followers work to a certain extent.
JC Lee
I'm JC Lee, 28. I'm an awkward introverted nerd who likes people and spend 8-12h a day, 7 days a week learning and building projects.
When I need a break, I enjoy watching korean shows and reading mangas.
I design projects with the Figma design tool.
I'm also a full stack developer - meaning I can make static websites and websites with a database and backend server.
My skills are, but not limited to:
I've switched from MERN to Jamstack because NextJS and Sanity are the best tool available in 2021. They are using cloud technologies, the development process is much faster, maintenance low, and scaling easier and cheaper.
NextJS makes blazing fast websites and Sanity is a content storage with a content management system so an editor can make change to the content, for example upload a new blog post, without the help of a developer.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by email or through my social accounts.